March 21, 2024

JS Geolocation API – getCurrentPosition with options parameter

In the last post (JS Geolocation API – Get a User's Location) we have covered navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() method to get user's location. We have used the success and error callbacks to receive the position object or report error.

The method getCurrentPosition() also accepts an options object as third paramter (optional).

This options object allows you to specify:

  • enableHighAccurancy (default false): if set to true, response is slower and more accurate.
  • maximumAge (default 0): milliseconds when cached value is valid, the device may decide to use valid cached data instead of sensor measure. Represents age for the returned position value (up until this age it will be cached and reused if the same position is requested again, after this the browser will request fresh position data)
  • timeout (default infinity): milliseconds before the API gives up and calls the error handler (the second parameter).

The example below calls getCurrentPosition() with both success and error callbacks, and pass the options object in third argument:

var options = {
  enableHighAccuracy: true,
  timeout: 5000, //timeout 5 seconds
  maximumAge: 10000 //(location) age 10 seconds

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error, options);

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