July 24, 2023

MSB3037 - NSwag- openapi2csclient exited with code -1

I was working with Visual Studio 2022 (Version 17.6.5). The project has consumed the nuget package for NSwag.ApiDescription.Client (version 13.19.0). It was working fine.

When I moved the project to another machine, it starts generating this error on Rebuild:

The command ""C:\Users\x\source\repos\G21-V5-Web\packages_rep\nswag.msbuild\13.0.5\build\
openapi2csclient /className:ServiceClient /namespace:MyService 
/input:C:\Users\x\source\repos\G21-V5-Web\swagger.json /output:obj\swaggerClient.cs " 
exited with code -1.

I found out the root cause in my case was the whitespaces in the path to the project.

We need to fix in the file:


You will find line # 21 similar to this:

    <Command>%(Command) /input:%(FullPath) /output:%(OutputPath) %(Options)</Command>

To make swagger work with whitespaces, change this line by adding double quotes around the path:

    <Command>%(Command) /input:"%(FullPath)" /output:"%(OutputPath)" %(Options)</Command>

My project works fine after this fix.

Compile TypeScript code with ASP.NET WebSite Project

In previous posts we have seen how to configure TypeScript code with ASP.NET Core Project and Web Application Project . In this post we will configure the TypeScript in an ASP.NET WebSite Project (.Net Framework).

Suppose we already have an ASP.Net WebSite Project.

Inside Scripts folder, Create a new TypeScript file, say app.ts.

Add the folowing code:

sayHello(name: string) {
	console.log("Hello " + name);

As we changed some configurations for TypeScript compiler in the last post, we will do the same here. Select Add New Item, and choose TypeScript Configuration File and use the default name of tsconfig.json. Replace the content in tsconfig.json file with following.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "noImplicitAny": false,
    "noEmitOnError": true,
    "removeComments": false,
    "sourceMap": false,
    "target": "ES2015",
    "allowJs": false,
    "inlineSourceMap": true,
    "sourceRoot": "./",
    "outDir": "Scripts",
    "inlineSources": true,
    "lib": [ "es2015", "es2016", "dom", "es2018.promise" ]
  "exclude": [
  "include": [
  "compileOnSave": true

The include section above instructs the compiler to compile all typescritps files inside Scripts folder. It will exlude the files for compilation which will be palced inside Scripts/JS folder as mentioned in exclude section above. It also tells the compiler to copy the output js files in Scripts folder (mentioned by outDir key). We need to use the same path when referencing the js file in HTML.

<script src="Scripts/app.js"></script>

Save the changes, and reload the project.

Now we have all setup with TypeScript, we can write TypeScript code and it should work.

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