December 31, 2023

Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted

I faced this error while using the Entity Framework Core with .Net 6.0,

Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'A connection was successfully established 
with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. 
(provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - The certificate chain was issued by an authority
that is not trusted.)'

Breaking change in Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 4.0.0.

I found there is breaking change in Microsoft.Data.SqlClient - 4.0.0 .

Changed Encrypt connection string property to be true by default:
The default value of the Encrypt connection setting has been changed from false to true. 
With the growing use of cloud databases and the need to ensure those connections are secure, 
it's time for this backwards-compatibility-breaking change.

Ensure connections fail when encryption is required:
In scenarios where client encryption libraries were disabled or unavailable, 
it was possible for unencrypted connections to be made when Encrypt was set to true
or the server required encryption.


The quick-fix is to add Encrypt=False to your connection-strings.

Alongwith Encrypt=False, setting Trusted_Connection=True would also help.

Another workaround if you are using local computer is to set


Please note that, setting TrustServerCertificate=True is not a real fix. The more authentic part of the solution is installing a CA signed certificate.


December 26, 2023

Serialize with System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer

The System.Text.Json namespace provides functionality for serializing to and deserializing from JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). When serializing C# objects to json, by default all public properties are serialized.

Lets say we have this User class object we want to serialize:

 class User
     public int Id { get; set; }
     public string Name { get; set; }
     public string? Email { get; set; }
     public string Password { get; set; }

var obj = new User
     Id = 1,
     Name = "Idrees",
     Email = null,
     Password = "123"

If we serialize this object:

string txtJson = Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(obj);

We will get the this json:


If we want to skip the Password property, we can use the attribute [JsonIgnore] on that property.

After this change the User class will look like this:

 class User
     public int Id { get; set; }
     public string Name { get; set; }
     public string Email { get; set; }
     public string Password { get; set; }

Serializing now will give you this result:


Notice that the Password property is no longer serialized.

You can also specify the condition for exclusion by setting the [JsonIgnore] attribute's Condition property.

In above example, we have set the null value for Email property and it is showing null in serialized json text.

To exclude that property we can specify the condition to ignore when it has null value. After this change the User class will become like this:

 class User
     public int Id { get; set; }
     public string Name { get; set; }
     [JsonIgnore(Condition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull)]
     public string? Email { get; set; }
     public string Password { get; set; }

The serialization will remove the Email property and generate this json.



Repeat a String in C#

C# do not have built-in function, as of C# 12.0, to repeat a string for x number of times.

Lets say we have a string variable:

	string text = "-"; //the string we need to repeat
	int n = 5; // number-of-times to repeat

Here are some ways you can use to repeat a string value:

Using Enumerable.Repeat and string.Concat:

	string result1 = string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(text, n));

Using StringBuilder:

	string result2 = new StringBuilder().Insert(0, text, n).ToString();

Using Enumerable.Range, Select with string.Concat

	var repeatedStrings = Enumerable.Range(0, n).Select(i => text);
	string result3 = string.Concat(repeatedStrings);

Using String() constructor

If the required string is single character, you can also use String constructor.

	string result4 = new String('-', n);