March 21, 2022

Using JavaScript Object.assign() method

In this post, we will see how to use the JavaScript Object.assign() method to copy and merge objects.

The syntax of the Object.assign() method is:

Object.assign(target, ...sources)

The Object.assign() method copies all enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a target object. It returns the modified target object.

The Object.assign() invokes the getters on the source objects and setters on the target.

Clone an object

The following example uses the Object.assign() method to clone an object.

let book = {
    title: 'My Title'

let clonedBook = Object.assign({}, book);

Output will contain the properties copied from source object.
{ title: 'My Title' }

Note that the Object.assign() only creates a shallow clone, not a deep clone.

Merge objects

The Object.assign() can merge two or more source objects into a target object which will contain properties consisting of all the properties of the source objects. For example:

let book = {
    title: 'My Title'

let bookTemplate = {
    noOfPage: 200,
    author: 'Author'

let bookPublishTemplate = {
    publisher: 'My Publisher',
    publishDate: '21-Mar-2022'

let newBook = Object.assign({}, book, bookTemplate, bookPublishTemplate);

Output will contain the properties merged from all the source objects.
    title: 'My Title',
    noOfPage: 200,
    author: 'Author'
    publisher: 'My Publisher',
    publishDate: '21-Mar-2022'

If two or more source objects have the property with same name, the property of the later object overwrites the earlier one:

let book = {
    title: 'My Title'

let bookTemplate = {
    title: 'My Title from bookTemplate'
    noOfPage: 200,
    author: 'Author'

let bookPublishTemplate = {
    author: 'Author from bookPublishTemplate'
    publisher: 'My Publisher',
    publishDate: '21-Mar-2022'

let newBook = Object.assign({}, book, bookTemplate, bookPublishTemplate);

Output will contain the properties merged from all the source objects, also the duplicate properties will be overwritten by the later source objects.
    title: 'My Title from bookTemplate'
    noOfPage: 200,
    author: 'Author from bookPublishTemplate'
    publisher: 'My Publisher',
    publishDate: '21-Mar-2022'

Angular - Add conditional css class

Angular provides multiple ways to add css classes based on conditions.

Lets say we have a div and we want to apply the classes myclass1, myclass2, myclass3 based on different conditions using a variable counter defined in the component class.

Following are the different snytax methods we can use to add css class with conditions.

Method # 1

Add myclass1, if the counter is equal to 1

    <div [class.myclass1]="counter === 1">

Method # 2

Add myclass1, if the counter is equal to 1

	<div [ngClass]="{'myclass1' : counter === 1}">

Add myclass2, if the counter is greater than 1

	<div [ngClass]="{'myclass2' : counter > 1}">

You can use the same syntax to add multiple classes with their own conditions, each class-condition pair will be spearated by a comma.

For example, here the myclass1 will be added if the counter's value is 1, myclass2 will be added if the counter's value is 2, and myclass3 if the counter has a value greater than 2

   <div [ngClass]="{'myclass1': counter === 1, 'myclass2' : counter === 2 }, 
        'myclass3' : counter > 2 }">

Method # 3

We can use the ternary operator to pick one of the two classes.

If the counter's value is 1, then myclass1 will be added, else myclass2 will be applied.

    <div [ngClass]="counter == 1 ? 'myclass1' : 'myclass2'">

Method # 4

You can write a function inside the component which will return the the class(es) to be added based on some complex condition.

    <div [class]="getClass(6)">

The function will return class names like this:

  getClass(count: number){
    var classList='';

    if(count === 1){
       classList = 'myclass1'; 
    }else if (count > 1 && count < 5){
        classList = 'myclass2';
    }else if(count > 5){
        classList = 'myclass2 myclass3';
    return classList;