June 24, 2019

MS SQL Server - Add a column with default value to an existing table

This post describes how to add new column to existing table in SQL Server by using Transact-SQL .




        ADD StockQty INT NULL --Or NOT NULL.
 CONSTRAINT DF_Item_StockQty --default constraint name
    DEFAULT (0)--default value
WITH VALUES --Add if Column is Nullable and you want the Default Value for Existing Records.

Lets review the above statement:

  • Item is the target table name, to which I want to add the column.
  • StockQty is the new column name being added, with type INT, also you can specify it as Nullable or NOT NULL.
  • DF_Item_StockQty is the optional constraint name given to the default constraint, if you do not specify name here, it will auto-generate a name like DF_Item_StockQty_6DF5C21B0A
  • DEFAULT (0): 0 is the default value for new column in this example.
  • WITH VALUES is only needed when your new column is Nullable and you want to update existing records with the provided default value (0 in this example). If your Column is NOT NULL, then it will automatically update existing records with the provided default value, whether you specify WITH VALUES or not.

How Inserts work with a Default-Constraint:

  • If you insert a record into table Item and do not specify StockQty's value, then it will be set to the default value 0.
  • If you insert a record and specify StockQty's value as NULL (and your column allows nulls), then the Default-Constraint will not be used and NULL will be inserted as the Value.


Visual Studio - SQL Server Schema Compare - Target unavailable

I was using SQL Server Schema Comparison tool in Visual Studio 2017 when I faced this issue. The problem was that I selected source and target databases, and marked the Remember Password check-box for both instances.

When I click on Compare button, it was showing the error message "Target is unavailable". In the Error List tab, showing the error message:

 Unable to restore password.  Enter a password by editing the connection.

I found the following workaround fix this issue for me.

  1. From the drop-down list for target database, choose Select Target option.
  2. Select Target Schema popup will appear.
  3. Click on Select Connection button.
  4. From the History of recent connections list, right click on the target database and click Remove from History
  5. Restart Visual Studio
  6. Re-create the connection

Now compare should work without showing the above error.